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Antarctica Adventure Valparaiso to Buenos Aires

​Valparaíso, Chile

Departure 7pm

Valparaíso, the "Vale of Paradise," has a population of almost 300,000 and is Chile's principal seaport and home to Chile's Congress. It climbs a crescent of 45 hills creating a maze of alleys, winding streets, connecting stairs and funicular railways. The port and business center lies at the foot of the hills, in a narrow belt of flatland. Having experienced the rich culture and history of this popular port city, you will realize how ingenuity has transformed this abrupt stretch of coastline into one of the world's most picturesque and famous port cities.

Nearby lies flower-bedecked Viña del Mar, where the wealthy and powerful come to play in the sun and at the casino. And just 20 minutes from Valparaíso, this beach resort city, also popularly known as the "Garden City," boasts white-sand beaches, notable museums and a variety of carefully designed parks and beautiful public spaces. 


Cruising the coast of Chile


Puerto Montt, Chile
Arrival 9:00am, Departure 6:00pm

Puerto Montt was founded in 1853, at the head of the Pacific inlet knownas Reloncavi Sound. Since then it has become the gateway to the Bavarian-flavored Chilean Lake District, a region graced with some of the world's most inspiring scenery. Virgin forests, picturesque towns, snow-mantled mountains and translucent lakes adorn this idyllic setting.

A wonderland of scenic splendor awaits - the towering volcano of Mount Osorno, the tranquil Lake Llanquihue, the rushing rapids of Petrohue and the serenity of Lake Todos los Santos. 


Castro (Chiloé Island), Chile
Arrival 8:00am, Departure 5:00pm
Situated on the island of Chiloé, Castro is Chile’s third oldest city in continued existence. Castro’s history is tangible and resplendent in the Plaza de Armas, where you will discover the magnificent yellow-hued Catholic church, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. An array of shops and restaurants, along with parks lined by decorative lampposts and shaded by large trees, also suggest a bygone time. What the city is most known for, however, is on the water, or more specifically, over the water. The palafitos,or traditional wooden houses built on stilts, are modest in size and construction yet bold in number and color. Deep reds, bright blues and eye-catching turquoises create a collage ready to be captured by camera and enjoyed with a stroll. Other attractions include the Regional Museum with ethnographical and archaeological exhibits, the Museum of Modern Art showcasing contemporary art, and a small park called Plazuela del Tren, or Plaza of the Train. As the name suggests, the park features a train exhibit, including a locomotive and machinery related to the rail line that operated in the Chiloé Archipelago between 1912 and 1960.


Puerto Chacabuco, Chile

Arrival 9:00am, Departure 6:00pm

There are few places left on earth as remote and untouched as Chacabuco, situated along the coast of Chile. Hidden away where the Andes Mountains meet the Pacific, Chacabuco is miles from civilization, which only adds to its allure. With no town center to speak of, the main attraction of this port is simply the pristine beauty of nature. Here, the northern Patagonian ice sheets plunge into the sea, creating ripples of neon blue brilliance, while in the distance, dramatic cliffs and waterfalls pierce the foggy mist.


Cruising the Chilean Fjords


Cruising the Strait of Magellean 


Punta Arenas, Chile 
Arrival 7:00am (Overnight)

Punta Arenas (Sandy Point) is the only city situated on the Strait of Magellan, the 300-mile waterway which cuts a swath between the mainland and the island of Tierra del Fuego. This remote center is Chile's southernmost city and capital of Magallanes Province. Since it was founded in 1848, Punta Arenas prospered as a busy coaling station until the building of the Panama Canal. Today it boasts a population of 100,000, of which approximately one-quarter are descendants of Croatian immigrants. It is also the bustling center of one of the world's largest sheep farming areas, with major exports of wool and mutton. Punta Arenas is your gateway to a wealth of sightseeing options. Take a thrilling private air charter over Antarctica, explore museums which bring the events of yesteryear alive, or delve deep into Patagonia's frontier regions.


Punta Arenas, Chile 

Departure 6:00pm


Cruising the Chilean Fjords


Ushuaia, Argentina 

Arrive 8:00am (overnight)
Ushuaia, the world's southernmost town, lies on the triangular-shaped islandof Tierra del Fuego. While Ferdinand Magellan was exploring the straits between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in 1520, he was amazed by the smoke and fires which seemed to appear at every turn. These fires, which were kept continuously alight by the Yaghan and Ona Indians, became the inspiration for the name "Tierra del Fuego," Land of Fire.

Little has changed since the days of those intrepid first explorers. The abundant wildlife, scenic beauty and mysterious history of this rugged frontier land still retain an irresistible fascination.


Ushuaia, Argentina 

Departure 5:00pm


Cruising Cape Horn


Cruising the Drake Passage


Cruising the Antartic Penisula , Antartica 


Cruising Elephant Island, Antartica  

Cruising Drake Passage


Falkland Islands/Port Stanley, UK

Arrival 7:00am, Departure 6:00pm

The Falkland Islands are situated some 350 miles east of Tierra del Fuego, 1,000 miles north of Antarctica and, as the locals claim, a mere 8,000 miles from Britain. Port Stanley is home to the majority of the island's residents -1,990 out of a total population of 2,490. These 700 islands have long been of historical importance to scientists and seamen alike. Prior to the construction of the Panama Canal, they offered safe anchorage and provisions for sailing vessels as they headed around Cape Horn. Today, maritime interests center mostly on the British Royal Navy, fishing fleets from a variety of nations and scientific expeditions to Antarctica. In 1982, world attention was riveted on these islands when Argentine and British forces fought fiercely for the right to call them their own. A number of vessels, numerous aircraft, thousands of troops and many local residents were involved in the conflict. After heavy combat, the will of Britain, supported by the island people, prevailed and the Falkland Islands remain British to this day.


Cruising the South Atlantic Ocean


Puerto Madryn, Argentina

Arrival 7:00am, Departure 4:00pm
The Patagonian city of Puerto Madryn lies on the shores of the Golfo Nuevo, along the southern coast of Argentina.It was here that a band of Welsh settlers arrived in 1880 aboard the brigantine Mimosa. These pioneers were brought by Viscount Madryn to found a colony far away from the rigors of Britain's Industrial Revolution. Soon they established the town of Trelew and populated the green Chubut River Valley. Others later followed from Scotland and England as small farms and sheep ranches were gradually developed. Today, Argentina's finest wool originates from here. Although this region is not particularly blessed with buildings of great architectural significance or beautiful scenery, it is nonetheless recognized for its opportunities to view such wildlife as sea elephants, sea lions, penguins and birds.


Cruising the Coast of Argentina


Montevideo, Uruguay

Arrival 9:00am, Departure 6:00pm
Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay, South America's second-smallest country. Beyond urban limits, 90% of Uruguay's land is devoted to sheep and cattle grazing, as Montevideo is this nation's largest city. Legend tells us that its name originated from the words monte vide eu meaning "I see a mountain," exclaimed by an eager lookout when Magellan's fleet first arrived in 1520. Set in a picturesque location along the River Plate's shores, Montevideo evokes all the flavor of Spain with the massive masonry, hidden patios and palm-shaded plazas that are so reminiscent of that country. Attractions abound. Stroll wide boulevards and leafy parks, view imposing statuary or experience the thrill of an estancia visit.


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Arrival 6:00am
Cosmopolitan Buenos Aires, whose name means city of "favorable winds," is the capital of Argentina. With broad, well planned avenues, charming sidewalk cafés, carefully tended parks, elaborate monuments, noble statues and splendid rococo buildings, it exudes an air of sophisticated elegance. 

Until the 1880s, Buenos Aires was a mere village. However, it has now prospered into one of Latin America's most sophisticated centers, with a population of over 11 million. 

Buenos Aires has also frequently been dubbed the "Paris of the Southern Hemisphere," due to its superb restaurants, art galleries, museums and European-influenced architecture. 

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